Música que sona al programa:
"Fascinating rhythm" (de l'àlbum "Love is here to stay", 2018)
Tony Bennett i Diana Krall.
"Fascinating rhythm" (1924)
Cliff Edwards.
"Fascinating rhythm" (1926)
Fred i Adele Astaire, veu; George Gershwin, piano.
"Oh lady be good" (1936)
Lester Young, saxo tenor; Carl "Teddie" Smith, trompeta; Count Basie, piano; Walter Page, contrabaix; Jo Jones, bateria.
"Oh lady be good!" (de l'àlbum "Jazz at the Philharmonic concert", 1946)
Charlie Parker, saxo alt; Al Killian i Howard McGhee, trompetes; Lester Young, saxo tenor; Arnold Ross, piano; Billy Hadnbott, contrabaix; Lee Young, bateria.
"The man I love" (de l'àlbum "Gershwin's world", 1998)
Joni Mitchell, veu; Wayne Shorter, saxo tenor; Herbie Hancock, piano; Ira Coleman, contrabaix; Terri Lyne Carrington, bateria.