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Learn Jazz Standards Podcast

The LJS Podcast is the podcast where you get weekly jazz tips, interviews, stories and advice for becoming a better jazz musician! Hosting the show is the jazz musician behind learnjazzstandards.com, author, and entrepreneur Brent Vaartstra, who’s one goal is to answer any question about playing jazz music you may have. Jazz can be a challenging music to learn and play, but it doesn’t have to be so hard. Each episode features a specific musical challenge that jazz students may come across, where it is discussed and answered. Special jazz guests frequent the show, sharing their expertise on an array of different musical subject matter. Listeners are invited to call in with their jazz questions to the podcast hotline, where it could get answered on a future LJS Podcast episode. Join thousands of other listeners getting free jazz education every week!

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  • Folge vom 04.09.2023
    9 Jazz Chord Progressions You Need to Know
    The best way to learn jazz and improve over time is simply to learn more songs, aka jazz standards. But those jazz standards, those songs are made up of chord progressions. The good news is that even though there are a lot of complex chord progressions, or at least seemingly complex chord progressions in jazz standards, a lot of them come up time and time again, over and over. So once you learn one jazz standard in two or three, you're going to start seeing those same chord progressions come up in many, many other ones. So what are the chord progressions that you need to know for jazz? In this episode, we're going to talk about nine of them that are really common and you'll see come up a lot.  In this episode:1. The major 2-5-1 chord progression2. The minor 2-5-1 chord progression3. The major 1-6-2-5 chord progression4. The minor 1-6-2-5 chord progression5. Chord progression #5 is when the 3 chord replaces the 16.  Chord progression #6 is when the sharp one diminished, replaces the 6th7.   The 1-4-3-6 chord progression8.  The chromatic 2-5s or sidestep 2-5s9.  The tritone sub of 5 Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner Circle MembershipListen to the Learn Jazz Standards PodcastLearn Jazz Standards Inner Circle: Get 50% off your first month!
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  • Folge vom 28.08.2023
    Free Masterclass: Jazz Standards Mastery Formula
    Hey, my friends, Brent here from Learn Jazz Standards. Here on the podcast for the month of August, we've been doing a themed month called Free Masterclass August, where I've been giving away different Masterclasses that we've done in the past here on Learn Jazz Standards, whether it be from our virtual summits, retreats or otherwise, just to, you know, it's the summer, it's the end of the summer.  We're about to go into the fall coming up here soon, and I just kind of wanted to unleash a lot of value and information for you to kind of set you up for when perhaps you're going to be more active in practicing and getting back to it, improving and getting to your musical goals again.Today's masterclass, honestly, if I'm being really honest with you, I had a little bit of a hard time pulling the trigger on sharing this one with you. The reason for that is because this is kind of one of our most valuable Signature Masterclasses that I usually ask for an exchange of an email address to receive this Masterclass. So it usually is free, but of course, with the exchange of an email address. So I had a little bit of hesitation just kind of sharing this here on the podcast today. But again, in the spirit of the Free Masterclass August, I decided if it makes me feel just a tad bit uncomfortable, then it probably is a good thing just to unleash all the value on you this month and just help you improve. So in that spirit, I'm sharing with you our masterclass called Jazz Standards Mastery Formula, our signature masterclass. It really sort of gives the big overarching philosophy behind our company, Learn Jazz Standards. How do you learn to play jazz songs? How do you improvise over jazz songs? This is kind of like our approach and really is a lot of what we actually do in our Inner Circle membership. You will hear me give a little bit of a hard pitch for the Inner Circle membership at the end of Jazz Standards Mastery Formula here. But just know that everything I teach here in this masterclass can be used outside of our Inner Circle membership. Our Inner Circle membership just makes it easier for you to execute on some of these things. And also, just a little note as well is, obviously this masterclass was originally presented in a video format, so there are examples on the screen at times. There are visuals, there are slides. And so while you won't be able to see those today, you'll still be able to really get a lot out of just listening to the master class in itself. So, my friends, our signature masterclass Jazz Standards Mastery Formula. In this episode:1. Secret #1: How to learn jazz standards so you don't get lost or forget them.2. Secret #2: How to start improvising over Jazz standards from scratch, from zero to hero. 3. Secret #3: The 3-Step strategy for Skyrocketing your practice results, all while practicing less.4. What has pizza got to do with this?5. Applying the L.I.S.T. process.6. Less is always more.Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner Circle MembershipListen to the Learn Jazz Standards PodcastLearn Jazz Standards Inner Circle: Get 50% off your first month!
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  • Folge vom 21.08.2023
    Free Masterclass: Orchestrating Your Musical Breakthrough
    Hey, my friends, Brent here from Learn Jazz standards. We are continuing our themed month of August called Free Masterclass August, where I'm giving away some Masterclasses here on the podcast that we've done in the past at various different events and mediums just to give a little extra special, a little bit of fun here and value for finishing up the summer so. So, I hope you enjoy it. We've had some great Masterclasses this month on the podcast. Already today, I want to share a Masterclass that was given during our Learn Jazz Live Virtual Summit in 2022 by a team member of mine, Brett Pontecorvo. And those of you who are Inner Circle members know Brett very well because he's in the community coaching, and he creates some of our content for our monthly Jazz Standard Studies. And he gave a really great masterclass that year called "Orchestrating Your Musical Breakthrough". So, a lot of us sometimes feel a little stuck in our playing, feel like we hit plateaus, or perhaps just don't really understand that we have so much potential as musicians. And so what Brett does is he talks about in this Masterclass ways for us to start achieving a musical breakthrough. That "AHA!" moment where you feel like you're improving and you get excited. That moment that we're all really searching for when we sit down with our instruments. So without further ado, let's go ahead and get Brett Pontecorvo on to give this masterclass, "Orchestrating Your Musical Breakthrough".  In this episode:Achieve breakthroughs and make progress in learning jazz with the following strategies:1. Define a game you can win by setting clear and achievable goals with measurable victory conditions2. Develop a strategy to achieve these goals by overcoming barriers like negative self-talk, lack of time, and lack of information 3. Take consistent action by practicing regularly in short bursts, making the process fun, and sticking to your plan4. Acknowledge your wins and progress to stay motivated, and repeat the process to continue improving. The overall mindset is to become the type of person who takes action and achieves breakthroughs through deliberate practice and persistence.Important Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner Circle MembershipListen to the Learn Jazz Standards PodcastLearn Jazz Standards Inner Circle: Get 50% off your first month!
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  • Folge vom 14.08.2023
    Free Masterclass: Your Best Jazz Playing Ever
    Hey, my friend Brent here from LearnJazz Standards. We are continuing our themed month here in the podcast of free masterclass August, where I'm giving away different masterclasses that we've done in the past here on LearnJazz Standards. Last week, we came out with a free masterclass podcast episode and we're continuing that on here in today's episode. So really excited to dive into this one. This particular masterclass was a masterclass that was conducted at our Inner Circle Retreat earlier this year. Now this Inner Circle Retreat was an invite -only event for our Inner Circle members, our LearnJazz Standards Inner Circle members. So you'll hear a lot of stuff in the masterclass referring to the Inner Circle and the things that we do in the Inner Circle. So of course, if that's something that you're interested in, definitely go check it out, lgsinnersercle .com, or you'll find the link to that in the description down below. And just to note, this was, of course, a live event. So it was conducted over Zoom. I was sharing slide presentations and so on and so forth. So there are visual elements to it. However, the audio version of this is going to work just fine. You'll also notice as well during the masterclass that I'm referring to other workshops and masterclasses that are yet to come, this being the very first masterclass we conducted during this retreat. And so while we won't be giving those away, especially out of respect for our Inner Circle members who pay to attend this, you'll still get a lot of value from the material presented here at this masterclass, 100% really valuable stuff here. So I hope you enjoy this masterclass. This is called your best jazz playing ever. In this episode:Things that hold us back from attaining our jazz goals: 1. Doing the same things and expecting different results2. Unrealistic expectations3. Ineffective practicing4. Loss of motivationSteps to move us forward toward our jazz goals:1. Step #1:  Complete a monthly project that sets you up to win every single time2. Step #2:  Commit to taking 365 B.A.D. jazz solos3. Step #3:  Master P.B.R. practiceImportant Links:Free Guide to learning standards by ear: Learn Jazz Standards the Smart WayLJS Inner Circle MembershipListen to the Learn Jazz Standards PodcastLearn Jazz Standards Inner Circle: Get 50% off your first month!
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