Barack Obama burst onto the national stage during his U.S. Senate run. Hear how ambition and luck propelled him to Washington.
Kultur & GesellschaftArtist Radio
Making Folgen
WBEZ's critically-acclaimed bio-podcast series explores how an icon is made.
Folgen von Making
42 Folgen
Folge vom 15.03.2018Obama 6: Yes We Can!
Folge vom 08.03.2018Obama 5: Up Or OutFormer president Barack Obama has only lost one election in his life. It was in 2000, and that defeat set him on the course for his eventual U.S. Senate run. Making Obama is a production of listener-supported WBEZ Chicago. Support WBEZ and the future of podcasts like this at
Folge vom 01.03.2018Obama 4: Wait Your TurnIn 2000, Barack Obama ran for Congress against a Chicago political legend. It became a contest about race and identity.
Folge vom 22.02.2018Obama 3: You Don’t Say No To BarackFormer President Barack Obama won his first political seat in 1996. Hear what he had to learn, and the conflicts he faced, to get there.