If one compares US and British usage, one finds apparently contrasting expressions which mean the same thing, for instance: to fill in a form versus to fill out a form. We offer an explanation and other interesting examples of how two nations are “divided by a common language”.
Vocabulary guide BE/AE
In the UK, they drive slowly over sleeping policemen. Check out why in this vocabulary guide.
Grammar guide BE/AE
About.com made an short overview about grammar differences between American and British English
American and British English differences - Wikipedia
Wikipedia has a scientific overview about differences between American and British English

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Are you an advanced learner of English? These podcasts from Saarland University offer challenging listening opportunities and fascinating topics to do with the English language and culture. Get your new enhanced five-minute episode once every two weeks.
Folgen von RoPeCast
146 Folgen
Folge vom 01.03.200911. The ins and outs of American and British
Folge vom 15.02.200910. To -ing or not to -ing – that is the questionDo you know when to say I live here (simple form) and when to say I am living here (progressive or continuous form)? Are there verbs that are used only in the simple form? What about McDonald’s and their slogan, “I’m loving it”? We offer some help with this tricky topic.
Folge vom 01.02.20099. Tense momentsDo you really know how many tenses you use when speaking your first language? Our analysis might surprise you – and help you with your English.
Folge vom 15.01.20098. No future for English?Learners who take risks when speaking English may make better progress than those who play it safe. But ignoring grammar can sometimes lead to misunderstandings. Let’s take the example of speaking about the future. Nothing can possibly go wrong here – or can it? Tenses in English - Wikipedia Get a brief overview about how tenses are used in English