106.7 The Bull zuletzt gespielte Titel
Du suchst nach dem Namen eines Liedes, das du bei 106.7 The Bull gehört hast? Hier findest du ihn! Unsere Playlist enthält die Lieder der letzten Tage.
Zuletzt gespielte Titel - Playlist von 106.7 The Bull
16:47 Uhr - Jelli Radiospot- 30 - text="Do Not Delete! - Jelli Radiospot- 30 - Do Not Delete!" song_spot="T" MediaBaseId="0" itunesTrackId="0" amgTrackId="-1" amgArtistId="0" TAID="0" TPID="0" cartcutId="90002080
16:47 Uhr - Jelli Radiospot- 30 - text="Do Not Delete! - Jelli Radiospot- 30 - Do Not Delete!" song_spot="T" MediaBaseId="0" itunesTrackId="0" amgTrackId="-1" amgArtistId="0" TAID="0" TPID="0" cartcutId="90002080
16:46 Uhr - title="YOU SHOULD BE HERE",artist="COLE SWINDELL",url="song_spot="F" MediaBaseId="0" itunesTrackId="0" amgTrackId="-1" amgArtistId="0" TAID="0" TPID="39758977" cartcutId="0" amgArtworkURL="http://imag
16:45 Uhr - - text="Spot Block" amgTrackId="9876543" length="00:04:26.080" show=""
16:36 Uhr - title="IN CASE YOU DIDN'T KNOW",artist="Brett Young",url="song_spot="F" MediaBaseId="0" itunesTrackId="0" amgTrackId="-1" amgArtistId="0" TAID="0" TPID="44963701" cartcutId="0" amgArtworkURL="http://i
16:35 Uhr - Verizon Wireless - text="Verizon Wireless" song_spot="T" MediaBaseId="0" itunesTrackId="0" amgTrackId="-1" amgArtistId="0" TAID="0" TPID="0" cartcutId="7390181001" amgArtworkURL="null" length="00:00:3
16:35 Uhr - title="BREAKING UP WAS EASY IN THE 90s",artist="SAM HUNT",url="song_spot="F" MediaBaseId="0" itunesTrackId="0" amgTrackId="-1" amgArtistId="0" TAID="0" TPID="97753297" cartcutId="0" amgArtworkURL="htt
16:32 Uhr - title="BREAKING UP WAS EASY IN THE 90s",artist="SAM HUNT",url="song_spot="F" MediaBaseId="0" itunesTrackId="0" amgTrackId="-1" amgArtistId="0" TAID="0" TPID="97753297" cartcutId="0" amgArtworkURL="htt
16:22 Uhr - Kroger - text="Kroger" song_spot="T" MediaBaseId="0" itunesTrackId="0" amgTrackId="-1" amgArtistId="0" TAID="0" TPID="0" cartcutId="9223637001" amgArtworkURL="null" length="00:00:30" unsID="-1" spotIn