The president's executive order to reign-in social media is based on the unproven assumption that they discriminate against conservatives and a misunderstanding of the First Amendment, which applies to government, not private companies.
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The latest technology news and headlines. Hosted by Larry Magid.
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123 Folgen
Folge vom 28.05.2020Eye on Tech: President's Executive Order on Social Media misinterprets 1st Amendment
Folge vom 27.05.2020Eye on Tech: Twitter put a warning label on one of the President's tweetsUntil Tuesday, Twitter had never taken down or labelled any of President Trump's tweets. But it put a link on his claim that mail-in ballots are fraudulent, providing facts on the integrity of voting by mail To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Folge vom 26.05.2020Eye on Tech: HBO Max streaming service launchesHBO is launching HBO Max on Wed to compete with the likes of Netflix, Amazon Prime and Hulu. It's $15 a month but millions can get a free subscription depending on phone or cable provider. To learn more about listener data and our privacy practices visit: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit